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“Life At The Edges”, exploration of life in extraordinary environments at the Science Gallery Dublin

LIFE AT THE EDGES at Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin

LIFE AT THE EDGES at Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin

Until September 30, the Science Gallery in Dublin presents the exhibition « LIFE AT THE EDGES » which examines life in extraordinary environments, alongside humankind’s passion for exploration, adventure and discovery.

In 2008, a forgotten corner of Trinity College Dublin was transformed into a living experiment called Science Gallery Dublin. Through a cutting-edge programme that ignites creativity and discovery where science and art collide, the nonprofit encourages young people to learn through their interests.

Why do inhospitable settings spark our imagination and our appetite for adventure? How can art and design inspire and influence pioneers exploring extremes? What can desolate environments tell us about coping with climate change, and should we redirect scientific resources toward adapting organisms, technologies and humans to thrive under these severe conditions?

Extreme places can provide a unique setting to expand our understanding of our climate and living systems. From arctic tundras to interstellar voids, LIFE AT THE EDGES explores frontiers and limits, boldly pushing the boundaries of space, humanity, science, technology and biology.

In this exhibition, the ongoing project «Drosophila titanus»  by artist Andy Gracie documents his process of experimentation and artificial selection that aims to develop a new species of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, that would be theoretically capable of living on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan. « Analemma Tower » by Clouds Architecture Office is a proposal for the world’s tallest building ever, created by capturing a large asteroid and using it to anchor a pendulum tower placed in orbit around the Earth.

Artists: Julijonas Urbonas, We colonized the Moon, Clouds Architecture Office, Skye Moret, Eva Rust, Moses Rowen, Clinton Freeman, Ewen Chardronnet, Špela Petrič and more.

More information here