
 1800,00 Excl. Taxes

Magali Sanheira is born in 1977 and she is graduated of the École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts Paris-Cergy. Magali Sanheira’s practice is part of a multi-disciplinary field. She considers sound as a sculptural material in its own right, allowing her to work on a new dimension: the acoustic space. Magali Sanheira developed her research on the most basic, simple forms and volumes to dissect and analyze the processes surrounding us. She bases her production on transformation of failures and equipment exchange. Read more

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Field recording of a “Kabar” (vocals accompanied by rhythmic) on Reunion Island. In these Holy ceremonies, some of these services have the function to honor an ancestor. The song is diffused by a speaker covered with a taro leaf, also known as “dream”. The dream leaf has the distinction of being completely waterproof, hence the Reunionese expression, “let it flow over your heart like on a dream leaf”. Sound vibrations and climatic conditions vibrate the leaf of the plant, and animate a drop of water therein above. The synchronization of these events influencing our perception of reality.

Additional Information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 43 x 35 x 43 cm
Collection curated by:

Ewen Chardonnet






HD Video 16:9, stereo, colors


3 copies

Certificate of authenticity
